• Member Since 27th Mar, 2012


I enjoy wrighting poems, despite my constant spelling errors and my somewhat lacking grammar, i enjy reading emencly and my Fav pony is Fluttershy as she reminds me of a dear friend.

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My name is Frosty Winds. I was just your typical, rank-and-file Enclave scout. I had an ordinary life, living in contentment among my loving family and good friends. Things were good.

At least, I'm pretty sure that was the case; I honestly can't say for certain anymore. One moment, I was being recruited to take part in a routine Wasteland scouting mission, and the next moment I wake up as a prisoner of the Steel Rangers.

On the bright side, I’m not missing much. Just all of my memories. And my left foreleg. Nothing important, really. Pile on a disease I’m not vaccinated against and being a few clouds short of a weather system probably doesn’t make any of this much better.

As if that wasn't enough, apparently I made a deal before I lost my memories. If I don't complete my task I agreed to within a month, I'll die. Of course, it would be helpful if I could remember what the agreement was.

So here I am, floundering aimlessly about the Equestrian Wasteland. I have absolutely no idea what happened, what I should do, or how to uncover the secrets that lie within my stolen memories.

Help. I need an adult.

(Read the official Prologue here!)


I'd like to thank Kkat for creating this amazing world of Fallout: Equestria!

Thanks to Toaster Repairpony for the awesome cover art!

Equally great thanks to my editors Unknownlight (all) and LeprechaunPoni (Chapter 29 and onward)
Previously edited by K4 (Chapters 1-21) and mikemeiers (Chapters 22-27)

Follow Frosty's out-of-universe adventures here!
But wait! Frosty's been spotted in other universes as well!
Somewhere in the Jerichoverse
Somewhere in King Sombra's Robotic Retaliation
Fallout: Equestria - Outlaw (In canon, too! Current rewrite isn't there yet.)
Fallout: Equestria - Frozen Skies (In canon, too!)

Chapters (34)

After a promising breakthrough with an experimental spell backfires in the worst way possible, Twilight finds herself in a cubed world where she must learn how to use the world around her to survive.

This is Minecraft, placed blocks are locked in place, broken blocks shrink in size to be carried, and mass has no meaning. The monsters are real, rotting zombies, terrifying hairy black spiders, tall lanky creepers are everywhere, and death is not an option.

Will Twilight learn to survive, or will she become something more?

Wow! Featured 9/11/14! Thanks everyone!

How about that? Featured again on 10/9/14! More thanks!

Chapters (7)

Warning: Silliness inbound.

By order of the high lords of Terra themselves, a lone soldier from the Death Korps of Krieg has been sent to the planet Epona to wipe out its Xeno population. Starting with Equestria, the Korpsman has sworn not to leave the planet until he falls or completes his mission.

However, no Korpsman should fight without setting up a proper trench first, and so the Korpsman must dig...and dig...and dig.

Destroying Equestria is going to take a while.

Chapters (1)

A saucy collab with Skeeter The Lurker.
After several failed attempts at other friendly games, Luna and Celestia have finally found the perfect game to pass the time: poker. One night, drunk on cider, they decide to make the game interesting: If Celestia wins, Luna has to go on a date. If Luna wins, Celestia has to tell Twilight how she feels about her. Ante up.

Sexy artwork by Rurik.

Editing by Sharp Spark.

(Note: much shipping abounds, but this is not a Celestia/Luna fic.)

Rated "Teen Sex" for some heavy wink wink, nudge nudge, and also booze.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Wild Card

Back by popular demand, Ace continues his misadventures across Equestria and surrounding lands. Along the way he must deal with Black Brew Smugglers, the Equestrian authorities, an old foe returning and his quickly dwindling supply of tobacco. At the end of the day though, there remains only two important questions:
Can he get away with this?
How much fun can he have whilst doing so?

Part of the Chess Game of the Gods universe
Cover art is by the ever-awesome Kaze1121

Chapters (13)

When Moira Brown first published her Wasteland Survival Guide in 2277, thanks to the help of a newfound friend, she never knew that the east coast Brotherhood of Steel would take notice, much less ask her to accompany them so she could distribute them in various settlements across the ruins of the United States.

But they did, and her travels have led her to the Mojave Wasteland, and into the company of a wisecracking courier and his hardened sniper friend. She was set to hand out some copies of her guide to settlements surrounding the city of New Vegas. However, after a surprise attack, she and the sniper find themselves in a strange land, untouched by the ravages of nuclear war.

Moira may have mastered the wasteland, but will she learn to survive in Equestria?

A crossover with Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

Chapters (8)

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are leading together a combined Army of several different equestrian Races against an supposedly terrifying and unfeeling Enemy.

What kind of Threat are our beloved Princesses are really going to face?

A Warhammer 40K/MLP:FIM Crossover.

Special Thanks goes to ARchy4288, Tyrannosaurus_Tux and AlicornPriest for Editing, Proofreading and otherwise helping.
I can only recommend those guys.

Chapters (1)

We all know how this goes, don't we? Some unlucky schmuck goes to a Halloween party or convention dressed up as someone evil, gets sent to Equestria, and then ends up antagonizing the locals.

Well my story goes a bit differently. My name is Isaac Donohue, and after a night of drunken partying that I STILL can't remember, I wake up in Equestria fifteen hundred years before the events of canon with five seemingly random superpowers:

Angelic Physiology, so I'm frickin gorgeous now. Oxygen Independence, so I don't need to breath. Asexual Reproduction, just call me Mister Mommy why don't you...Bubble Breath, something useless that I rarely use. Power Replication, otherwise known as a game breaker.

So anyways I befriended everyone's favorite draconequus Discord, and we made such beautiful chaos together. Well, it was more of me trying to reform him before he got stoned by the Princesses in an effort to change history for the better. What a waste of time that was, and as a result of this I got petrified as well for being his accomplice. Can you believe that?

Since I'm free, I've decided to settle down and rule a kingdom of my own. I'm sure there are enough tyrants in the world that need to be overthrown despite Sunbutt's best efforts. But if there aren't any, I'm pretty sure I can steal the Crystal Empire from Sombra before Shining Armor and Cadence do.

The only problem is, THE LAW WON'T STOP CHASING ME!

A LoHAV story that I'm writing as I go on.

ANNOUNCEMENT 6/4/2017: I'm sorry, but this story is cancelled. This has been a long time coming. As I've progressed as a writer I look back on this story with increasing amounts of disgust. Still, I know people enjoy it for some reason which is why I'm leaving it up for posterity's sake. Maybe I'll completely rewrite it from the ground up in the future, but that time is not now.

Chapters (24)

In response to threats of a griffon attack on Equestria, Twilight responds with a letter detailing just why such actions would prove unfavorable for them.

Chapters (2)

They call it the Starlight Rose. Roseluck sells them at her shop, although she only has one a day.

Everypony has at least heard the rumors about what happens to those who buy the rose and sleep alone. Could one simple blossom truly bring secret fantasies to life, if only for a night?

Only Roseluck knows for sure.

(A collaboration between myself and Einhander.)

Chapters (2)